Xuzhou Zhengning Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Non-oxidizing bactericide and algicide (organic sulfur)
分类: 杀菌灭藻剂
链接: http://www.julangtechnology.com/goods/2407957

Non-oxidizing bactericide and algicide (organic sulfur)

The main components of FK-07 oxidizing bactericidal algaecide are aldehydes, organic sulfides, heavy metal salts and their auxiliaries.

Physical and chemical index:

Sexual performance: This product can kill by breaking the bond between bacteria and algae proteins; After contact with microorganisms, they can rapidly inhibit their growth, resulting in the death of biological cells. And can penetrate the mud attached to the wall of the biofilm, play the role of biological stripping. It has the characteristics of high killing rate, good degradation of active ingredients, no residue, strong stability and good compatibility.

Uses: This product is a broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity, non-oxidizing biocide; It is mainly used in circulating cooling water system to inhibit microbial growth, disperse biological mud, and use alternately with other oxidizing fungicides, with synergistic effect. It can be used with oxidizing biocides such as chlorine. The storage period is 18 months.

Usage: 150-300mg/L can be added as the main agent for slime stripping. Depending on the breeding situation of bacteria and algae, it can be added once a week and the dosage is 100-200mg/L.

Packaging storage and transportation: plastic packaging net weight 25kg. Store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

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