Xuzhou Zhengning Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Non-oxidizing bactericide and algaecide (quaternary ammonium salt)
分类: 杀菌灭藻剂
链接: http://www.julangtechnology.com/goods/2407961

Non-oxidizing bactericide and algaecide (quaternary ammonium salt)

The main components of FK-08 non-oxidizing bactericidal algaecide are quaternary amine salt, double quaternary ammonium salt, organic sulfide and its auxiliaries.

Physical and chemical index:

Performance: With high efficiency, broad spectrum, low toxicity, not affected by PH changes, easy to use. It has good dispersion properties for slime and has certain corrosion inhibition. It is a inhibitory biocide, which can be used alternately with oxidizing bactericide and algaecide to reduce the resistance of microorganisms and increase the efficiency.

Usage: This product is mainly used for daily inhibition of microbial growth in circulating cooling water system, dispersion and stripping of biological mud, and peeling and cleaning of old system before driving.

Usage: According to the breeding situation of bacteria and algae in the circulating water system, the dosage is generally 100 ~ 200 mg/L, directly added to the water.

Packaging storage and transportation: plastic drum packaging, net weight of 200kg or 25kg per barrel, should be stored in a cool place, avoid high temperature and direct sunlight, low temperature storage has crystallization, but does not affect the sterilization effect.

Note: It is strictly prohibited to mix with acrylic scale inhibitor in the same dosing tank.

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