Xuzhou Zhengning Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Polyacrylamide (PAM)

First, performance and use

This product is water soluble polymer. Combined with coagulant and flocculant, it mainly acts on the surface of suspended matter through rolling, bridging, etc., and significantly improves the coagulation and flocculation effect. It is mainly used for sludge dewatering, solid-liquid separation, coal washing, beneficiation and recycling of papermaking wastewater. Can be used for industrial wastewater, urban domestic sewage treatment. It can be used as an additive for mud materials used in oil field and geological exploration drilling.

2. Technical indicators

3. Use method and dosage

When used, this product is prepared into an aqueous solution of 0.1% concentration, and it is appropriate to use neutral water without salt. When dissolving, evenly sprinkle the product into the stirred water, and appropriate heating (<60℃) can accelerate the dissolution. This product is added after the flocculant, through the small test to determine the best dosage of this product, adjust the best pH value of the water to be treated. General usage per ton of water 0.5 ~ 2g

4. Packaging and storage

Polypropylene woven bag packing, lined with plastic bags, each bag 25kg; This product has hygroscopicity, should be sealed stored in a cool dry place, the temperature should be below 35℃. Avoid spreading solid products on the ground to prevent the ground from becoming slippery after the product absorbs moisture.

5. Security protection

Operators should wear protective equipment and rinse with clean water after skin contact.

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